If you are not a runner, and someone asked you to run 5 miles without stopping, would you be able to do it?
But for most people, they need to work up the endurance and stamina to run five miles.
Well guess what? The same is true for a meditation practice.
If you’ve never meditated, sitting for ten, twenty or even FIVE minutes can seem like a lifetime. And you may get up from your practice turned off by it, never wanting to try again.
You may even think meditation will never be for you because you could not quiet your racing mind.
And if this ends up being the case, you will have turned yourself off from one of the greatest tools at your disposal for a better quality life.
The practice of meditation needs to be entered slowly.
And it’s important we recognize it’s a PRACTICE… A work in progress…
With this 30 day meditation series, I ease you into a meditation practice you’ll look forward to each day.
Each day, you will receive an email with pointers on the day's meditation. This help alleviate any questions you may have about the topic for the day.
I basically hold your hand, and share the entire journey with you.
We begin slow… With one minute of meditation on Day 1. And we add a minute each day, so by Day 20 of this series, we are meditating for twenty minutes.
{Days 21-30 of this series, we do not add a minute, and meditate for twenty minutes each day}
Just like the example I shared above, about running 5 miles, we build the endurance and stamina to sit in meditation for longer periods of time.
Meditation becomes less daunting when you do this.
You feel more accomplished with your practice by incorporating this method.
And while you are meditating, I guide you into the world of mindfulness, spirituality, presence and consciousness. The more knowledge we have about what we are doing, the more it will enhance our experience.
More Knowledge = Better Experience
Take skiing for example… You can either fly down a mountain on your first attempt, or you can take a class to understand how to best maneuver yourself on the slopes. The more knowledge you have about skiing, the better foundation you attain for yourself, as a skier.
And that is my aim with this 30 day series.
I guide you into your mind, and understanding the nature of your thoughts.
I guide you into your intuition for better decision making.
I guide you into your internal peace, so you maneuver through your days with clarity, outside of your meditation practice.
By the time you are done with this meditation series, you will have a deeper understanding of not only your mind, and the proper way to meditate, but also of the world of mindfulness.
Meditation is a gift.
Your breath is a gift.
Your breath not only gives you life, it gives you quality of life, if you know how to use it properly.
So join me on this 30 day internal journey, and connect, really connect, with the beauty of your internal world.