During your school-age years, you were most likely taught how to count, and how to read. Yet, you weren’t taught how to control your thoughts.
You were left on your own to figure out the manual on living.
In order to live a quality life, it is essential to understand the mind. Everything stems from your thoughts. You can have constructive thoughts, or you can have destructive thoughts.
This is where meditation becomes a powerful tool.
Your meditation practice will help you choose more constructive thoughts throughout the day. Your meditation practice will help you gain control of the restless mind, the monkey mind, and access your peace and intuition.
Not only will meditation do that for you, it did that for me.
My personal story is before I began meditating, I was an emotional and mental mess. I had come out of an 8.5 year marriage that had drained me of any self-confidence and clarity. I woke up with anxiety each day. And was paralyzed in making any decisions.
I was not given the manual on how to truly live, so I had to figure out coping skills on my own.
Then I got into meditation.
And after a short time of maintaining my daily practice, I realized how much my incessant and destructive thoughts controlled my day.
Yet, through time, not only did my practice give me peace and clarity, it gave me self-confidence; it taught me how to live.
And I wanted to decode why and how meditation produces so many benefits, and how to take my personal practice even deeper.
To date, I’ve had 200,000+ minutes of personal meditation time under my belt. And over 1.5 million plays worldwide of my meditations as a teacher and guide. And I can humbly and assuredly say that I have decoded meditation.
There is so much about meditation that I am passionate about sharing with you.
The benefits of meditation were not just for me. They are for anyone willing to stay with the practice.
I want you to ease into a lifelong practice that will only deepen with time. I want you to know how to make the most of your practice.
In this audio course, Meditation Decoded and Simplified, I have done just that- decoded the world of meditation for you, and completely simplified the practice. By the time you are done with this course, you will look forward to your practice. You will understand best practices for maintaining a long term discipline.